New Parents

Barton Hill Settlement (BHS) is located at the upper end of Ducie Road in Bristol. Please walk through the alleyway towards the stairs which leads you directly to the parents’ café/ reception area. Parking, free of charge for three hours, can be found at the bottom of Ducie Road which is a two-minute walk to the BHS. Lessons are two hours long, from 10 am – noon. We kindly ask you to prepare a drink and a healthy snack for your child (fruit or vegetable, no nuts).

Routine of the day


The first time we ask you to arrive at 09:45 am, which will give us the chance to welcome you. You can identify board members on the yellow lanyard, which they will be wearing. During class we try to ensure to always have one member of the board available at the parents’ café in case you have any questions or concerns.


At the parents’ café we make important announcements and sing our ‘Good morning’ song with all children, parents, teacher, and assistants at the beginning of every Saturday. Afterwards, the children will go to their classrooms. The rooms have signs with their class names and animals.

On the entrance floor (main floor) you will find the parents’ café, the GCSE class, and the advanced dinosaur class (adults).

The Mäuse (mice) and Pinguine (penguins) classroom can be found a level below the main floor.

Above the main floor you can find the following classrooms: (Bären) bear, dinosaur beginner (adults) and Löwen (lions).

On the top floor you will find our Otter class.


Lessons start. You have the option to stay with your child during the morning ritual if your child attends the mice class. This way we want to ensure that your child can feel comfortable in the new environment. After the morning ritual we kindly ask you to wait in the parents’ café. By the age of the penguin class, we expect the child to be able to attend the class without their parents.


Children attending the mice class will be picked up. Please remember to sign the pick-up list to ensure a smooth routine for parents and teacher / assistant.


All other children will be picked up now. Please remember to also sign the pick-up list if your child is attending the penguin class to ensure a smooth routine for parents and teacher / assistant.

We want to make sure that your child is feeling comfortable in our school, as conclusion we offer a 4-week probation period. This will give enough time for the teacher to get to know your child and evaluate if your child is in the right group. It may take longer for shy or younger children for which we can extend the probation period to 8 weeks. In case the teacher feels your child would be more comfortable or a better fit in a different class, we will approach you and try to find a solution together.